Adjacent overlapping and non-overlapping channels
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Adjacent overlapping and non-overlapping
Adjacent overlapping channels
Adjacent non-overlapping channels
- The 802.11-2012 standard loosely defines an adjacent channel as any channel with nonoverlapping frequencies for the DSSS and HR-DSSS PHYs.
- With ERP and OFDM PHYs, the standard loosely defines an adjacent channel as the first channel with a nonoverlapping frequency space.
Adjacent overlapping channels
- Depending on the PHY spectral mask, adjacent overlapping channels are classed based on having less than the required amount of seperation in MHz between the center frequencies.
Adjacent non-overlapping channels
- Depending on the PHY spectral mask, adjacent-non overlapping channels are classed based on having more than the required amount of seperation in MHz between the center frequencies
Coleman, David D.,Westcott, David A. CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide: Exam CWNA-106 Wiley.
Coleman, David D.,Westcott, David A. CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide: Exam CWNA-106 Wiley.