Regulatory domain governing bodies
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Regulatory domain governing bodies
- Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
- Regulatory body for the United States for Radio, TV, wire, satellite and cable.
- Set Rules for what users can do with wireless around:
- Frequency
- Bandwidth
- Maximum power of the intentional radiator (IR)
- Max equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP)
- Use (indoor / outdoor)
- Spectrum sharing rules
- International Telecommunication Union Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R)
- Strives to ensure interference free communication on land, air and sea
- United Nations Tasked the ITU-R with Global Spectrum Management.
- Broken down into 5 administrative regions and 3 radio regulatory regions
Coleman, David D.,Westcott, David A. CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide: Exam CWNA-106 Wiley.
Coleman, David D.,Westcott, David A. CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide: Exam CWNA-106 Wiley.